The essence of the simple lentil curry (Parripu: in Sinhala) or soup goes beyond its taste; it’s a unifier. Among the noise of socio-politico divisions, it can stand as the bliss of unity, reminding us beyond the lines drawn by political and economic establishments. Those sharing moments reconnect us with our shared memories and desire to emancipate us from the repressive political rhetorics.
„Dignity of Lentils“ extends as a graphic comic zine, a canvas portraying Sri Lanka’s tumultuous economic crisis and the fervent protests that marked 2022. Comic-Zine echoes the resilience of a people, their steadfast spirit, and the enduring dignity found in the simplicity of a lentil-infused meal.
Extended Kitchen is a space where we acknowledge that every ingredient on our table carries a story, and every meal we share is a political act that shapes our community.
Our discussions extend beyond the kitchen table, intertwining with the flavors on our plates. Extended Kitchen is a communal setting, where we foster relationships that go beyond casual encounters. We talk about the ingredients needed to cultivate connections and create a sense of belonging within our neighborhoods. It’s a melting pot of ideas, and voices that come together to create a tapestry of shared experiences.
We start at 7pm at Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit: Beusselstrarße 44, 10553 Berlin
Krishan Rajapakshe (they/them) is an artist and a designer born in Sri Lanka, who made Berlin their HOME for the last 10 years. Their artistic and design practices revolve mainly around drawing, comics, zines and social kitchen, proposing narratives and counter-narratives that emerge from the context of the migration experiences and their communities. Krishan Rajapakshe is also an educator; they are part of the teaching team of *foundationClass since 2020 and have been guest professor and a lecturer at Kunsthochschule Weissensee Berlin since 2021. They are founding member of magazines such as Zick Magazine in Dresden and ColourfulVoices in Berlin. Their approach to collective and collaborative artistic work is a way of making politics/friends which generate their own communing aesthetics.