Utopie heute / Wie man die Welt rettet
KünstlerInnen aus dem Studio 26 der Neuen Nachbarschaft/Moabit zeigen Grafiken, Publikationen und Objekte und fragen, welche Utopien und welche Vorbilder unsere Zeit braucht, um die Welt zu verbessern.
Künstler*innen: Reda Albahra, Marwa Younes Almokbel, Abbas Al-Shafeay, Ahmed Baraka, Uma Bockemühl, Uma Gadziev, Umar Gadziev, Abdula Gadziev, Aminat Gisaeva, Aschab Gisaev, Aishat Gisaeva, Anjeza Hoxhallari, Nertila Hoxhallari, Josie Nadine Nguessi Kwemo, Ana María Rodríguez Bisbicus, Zeinab Sedawi, Isana Shaninas, Stela Shahinas, Nicola Schüschke, Jawad Zoualghina, Batoul Zoualghina, Bayan Zoualghina.
Studio 26 der Neuen Nachbarschaft/Moabit ist eine Plattform für Kunst als Mittel für politisches und soziales Handeln, für Menschen mit und ohne Fluchthintergrund, altersübergreifend.
Ausstellung vom 15.11.2018 bis 10.01.2019,
Mo – Fr · 8–19 Uhr · 1. OG
Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung
Lentzeallee 94 · 14195 Berlin · U-Bhf Breitenbachplatz
Programm zur Eröffnung:
16:45 Uhr:
Führung durch das Institut mit den Wissenschaftler*innen
18:00 Uhr:
Rede von Ralph Hertwig (Director of the Center for Adaptive Rationality)
Lesung: Manifest Wie rettest du die Welt?
Lesung: aus Büchern der Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit
18:30 Uhr
Live music
Janet: Raguel Roumer-Homam, Shikh Khoder, Kais Shalgin, Jawad Shalgin, Kenan Abouaasi, and Hazem Abouaasi

Utopia today / How to save the world
Exhibition opening on Thursday, November 15, 2018, at 6:00 p.m.
Artists from Studio 26 at Neue Nachbarschaft//Moabit present their prints, books, and objects, and ask what utopias and models are needed today to make a better world.
What brings Neue Nachbarschaft together is a common understanding that social change starts as a dialogue between equals. The theme of utopia was chosen to let participants free their imaginations to develop ideas for the future that can play a vital role in the development of today’s society. The notion of utopia is radical in its irrationality. Living in a time of precise planning, obsessive measurement, and hyper-effectiveness, it is crucial to look further, beyond the boundaries of traditionalism and wealth, to seek a world without exclusion, a world that consists in the multitudes of opinions and backgrounds that can coexist in equality.
Studio 26 at Neue Nachbarschaft is a platform for art as political and social action, for people of different ages, with and without refugee backgrounds.
The exhibition will run from November 15, 2018, to January 10, 2019, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the first floor of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin, U-Bhf. Breitenbachplatz.
Artists: Reda Albahra, Marwa Younes Almokbel, Abbas Al-Shafeay, Ahmed Baraka, Uma Bockemühl, Uma Gadziev, Umar Gadziev, Abdula Gadziev, Aminat Gisaeva, Aschab Gisaev, Aishat Gisaeva, Anjeza Hoxhallari, Nertila Hoxhallari, Josie Nadine Nguessi Kwemo, Zeinab Sedawi, Isana Shaninas, Stela Shahinas, Nicola Schüschke, Jawad Zoualghina, Batoul Zoualghina, Bayan Zoualghina.
Exhibition Opening:
4:45 p.m.
Discussion between Studio 26 participants and researchers from the Center for Adaptive Rationality
6:00 p.m.
– Introduction by Ralph Hertwig, Director of the Center for Adaptive Rationality
– Reading of the Manifesto “How to Save the World” (Wie rettest du die Welt?), in German, Arabic, and Englishin
– Readings of books from the Neue Nachbarschaft book series by the authors and illustrators
6:30 p.m.
Live music by Janet (Raguel Roumer-Homam, Shikh Khoder, Kais Shalgin, Jawad Shalgin, Kenan Abouaasi, and Hazem Abouaasi)
Drinks and Snacks will be provided.